History with Cy

Babylon: The City at the Center of the World - The Concise History of Babylonia (2000-539 BC)


This program explores the history of the ancient city of Babylon and the land once known as Babylonia.  We'll uncover the story of this great city over the course of fifteen centuries and learn about its impact and why it was so beloved as well as hated by so many in the ancient world.   We'll also meet an interesting and rather eclectic cast of kings including Hammurabi, Zimri-Lim, Rim-Sin, Samsu-iluna, Marduk-apla-iddina II, Sargon II, Sennacherib, Ashurbanipal, Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar I & II, Nabonidus, Cyrus the Great and many more. 


00:00 Introduction
04:00 Before Babylon: The Fall of the Neo-Sumerian Empire
05:30 Ibbi-Sin and Ishbi-Erra
09:27 Letter of Puzur-Numushda to Ibbi-Sin
12:21 Fall of Ur and the Birth of Babylonian Civilization
15:11 Dynasties of Isin and Larsa (Isin-Larsa Period)
19:00 The First Dynasty of Babylon
26:32 Hammurabi of Babylon
27:48 Zimri-Lim of Mari
29:48 War with Eshnunna
30:46 The Sukkalmah of Elam
33:12 War with Elam
35:51 Hammurabi and Rim-Sin
39:41 Hammurabi and Zimri-Lim
42:24 The Law Code of Hammurabi
46:07 Rebellions during the Reign of Samsu-iluna
52:30 The Last Four Kings of the First Dynasty
55:29 The Hittite Invasion of Babylonia
58:03 The Kassites take Control
01:03:45 The Kassites Reunite Babylonia 
01:06:30 Rivalry with Assyria 
01:09:05 Assyria show Babylon who’s Boss
01:11:40 Tukulti-Ninurta’s Conflict with the Kassites
01:14:35 The Second Sack of Babylon
01:18:37 Elamite Incursions
01:20:10 Babylon Bounces Back
01:22:36 The End of the Kassite Era
01:25:55 The Second Dynasty of Isin
01:27:23 Nebuchadnezzar I Avenges Babylon 
01:33:50 Life under the Second Dynasty of Isin
01:34:56 Literary Works: Enuma Elish and Sakkiku
01:37:24 More Assyrian Meddling 
01:43:43 Dark Age and Mysterious Dynasties of Babylon
01:44:40 Second Dynasty of the Sealand
01:47:43 The Bazi Dynasty
01:48:11 The Elamite Dynasty 
01:49:10 Dynasty E
01:53:52 Tiglath-pileser III and the Neo-Assyrian Era of Babylon
02:01:48 Marduk-apla-iddina II of Babylon and Sargon the II of Assyria
02:11:19 Sennacherib 
01:24:50 The Destruction of Babylon
02:27:50 Esarhaddon Rebuilds Babylon
02:33:12 Ashurbanipal and Shamash-shumu-ukin
02:39:40 Nabopolassar and the Fall of Assyria
02:46:54 Nebuchadnezzar II 
02:53:10 Nabonidus, the Last Babylonian King
02:56:40 Cyrus the Great and the Persian Conquest of Babylon
03:01:04 End of an Era
03:07:27 Thank You and Patrons

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